Sweet Tooth.
I have horrible sweet cravings. Like rip your face off if I don't have it. Lol
Is that normal for fibro or am I losing it. Lol
My biggest challenge is anaphylaxis food allergies which are mostly fruits and the list is growing. I used to eat mostly fruit but easily get bored with the few I can have. I try to keep it out but my husband is always bringing it home.
I have days like that too Karen
I have days when all days when all I want is chocolate I don't know if it's normal or not but it's my normal
Yikes. Wean yourself off ASAP. Refined sugar is so hard on our bodies. Switch to stevia if you can. It is a plant. Absolutely natural. No splenda or other artificial sweetners. Coconut sugar is good and muscado sugar is good. Best if you could just use fruits as your sweets. Strawberries. Pineapples. Tangerines, etc. I have changed my entire nutrition scheme a couple of times trying to find relief. One of the best changes is that I don't ingest refined sugar. But, when I do, it acts in my body like crack cocaine (what I think crack would probably act like?). I made some white chocolate for my sister with refined powdered sugar and then I ate one. I literally ate the entire pound. I could not stop myself. I was like a junkie. Pathetic. So, its really hard not to slide back in to the cycle of it. Try not to keep stuff in your house that has refined sugar in it, and you won't crave it as much.
Yes, I go through weeks where I can open a can of sweetened condensed milk and eat the whole thing! Nothing is safe!
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I'm Being Treated By My Pcp And A Rheumatologist. I've Only Had Blood Test To Eliminate Other Autoimmune Illnesses.