What Do You Do For Your Self Care?
I told myself this year I am to take better care of myself!!! So far I've been very slow at it ( for obvious reasons) NO more excuses; I am my top priority!
So please tell me what it is that helps you feel better and relaxed or pampered??! Do you use expensive/quality shampoo conditioner??? Get you nails done??
Button line what's your "GO-To" for self care???? Beyond medication.
I get in my recliner with my heat/massage
pad and my little dog in my lap..
I have a bubble bath with a book some candles and a face mask x
I act like I'm in a spa. I give myself a facial. Do my eyebrows. Buy foot cream and massage my feet. I do my own nails too
I bought a walk in step tub last year it has all the bells and whistle’s lots of settings and jets a heated seat also any Color light . A heater that keeps water warm . This really helps me I put Epson salts and some lavender essential oil. Candles and plants surround my oasis. Also I put on makeup every day no matter how bad I feel plus my skin care creams . Do my own nails a pretty Color . I have lazy boy chairs in my bedroom and living room. I try and have fresh flowers as often as I can . I hope to have a massage soon the lady comes to my house . But I am not comfortable yet letting people in my home with the Covid. I don’t push myself so much to do things that I can not do . I nap when I feel the need to . Pain wakes me at night so by late afternoon I need a nap. This is now how I try my best for self care. 😇
1. Meditation on the bed facing the window if I'm not sensitive to light. If sensitive to light, I sit facing the large nature postr that we have above our bed.
2. My face cream when I wake up and before I go to bed.
3. Walking if I have the energy.
4. Taking care of my plants.
5. Knitting
6. Watching a slow-paced movie which doesn' have loud noises. Not for long though. Can't binge watch anymore. We watched 'A Very Secret Agent' which is a foreign series. We can turn it down and I read the subtitles. It was really funny.
7. Taking a shower with a rosemary ad mint body soap and shampoo.
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