How Many Of You Deal With Fibromyalgia Memory Loss? How Do You Deal With It Personally? How Has It Affected YOUR LIFE?
Mine is getting worse. I sometimes don't even remember words we use daily, like furnitures, foods etc. I have to explain what the articles look like in order to got understood.
I have to apply for a job but it's taken my confidence completely.
My last job interview I couldn't even name the projects I've worked on.
I also type everything important on my phone which is exhausting and energy taking.
But this is our weird life, what could we do but acceptance :)
I always marvel how the medical profession use the "fibro fog" euphemism for what feels like intermittent dementia. We probably all get it with different severity and duration. It didn't seem to get much of any attention at all until long Covid came along with it's similar symptoms and larger numbers of people affected. It's devastating of course, especially because there is realization of what is happening to us, and I'm not sure that is always the case with true dementia. Now, mine begins and ends, but I wonder if one day, if it just won't
end. 💜
I have journals. One for meds to document what and when I took them, one for important things, one for symptom tracking.....
I get that quiet a bit and affects my life when I do let people know that I forget sometime they get cross and don't believe me I have a diary I write things down in
Important things hand write them down .I find that typing tends to give me more fibro fog.
How Has Fibromyalgia Affected Your Memory? How Do You Deal With It?
How Has Fibromyalgia Affected Your Memory? How Do You Deal With It?
Has Anyone Had A Friend Or Relative Tell Them This Lately About Fibromyalgia? Most People Who Say They Have Fibromyalgia Don't Have It.