Is There A Particular Style Of Yoga That Has Helped Anyone Here?
I need a stretching type class because I'm so bad at doing things to help my situation at home. My thigh muscles are much tighter than any others and it causes my knee caps to pull up. I have trouble with lounges and various other positions but when I stretch it helps.
What is hot pod yoga
I'm Having Horrible Neck Pain With Severe Limited Range Of Motion. Any Suggestions For Relief?
I began getting a sore neck about three weeks ago it has since become unbearable. I'm not currently on any fibro meds and am really struggling with this. The pain is now causing headaches and anxiety issues. It feels as though my neck is swollen. I have been under a ton of stress so I'm not surprised I'm flaring! It's difficult to turn my head! Has anyone else ever experienced this and what did you do to ease the symptoms?
so very sorry for your pain
I experience similar; worsening, along w/lack of sleep and other disturbance.
My Nbeurolgist referred me to a Neurologist who specializes in Movement… read more
Low Blood Pressure
I have been hearing people talk about a lack of oxygen to the brain being a cause of inflammation, etc. I've seen where some say hyperbaric oxygen can cure fibromyalgia. So as I looked for ways to increase oxygen to the brain (exercise is certainly one), I find where low blood pressure will decrease oxygen to the brain. Wow, I have low blood pressure. The other night it was 81/60, though it is usually 90/70. Do any of you have consistently low blood pressure? Cause maybe this is one path to… read more
I've thought about trying Hyperbaric Chamber but insurance won't cover it arghhhh
Team Members
I have been on this site now for 3-4 months least! I don't understand what being on a team means.....I've heard others mention this as well! I hardly if ever hear from my team I looked for a few living in my area....then a fee around my age...etc. Just to get started...there are members with 145 members on their can you possibly keep up with them all! Isn't the whole team member thing to get a bit more up close n personal with a few or more people you can… read more
To; the person who wrote to teammembers I did add you to the team I am on. I notice the the ones I write to are the ones who write me back. I have just started to write one of my teammembers I have… read more
Does Anyone Else Have Mood Swings?
In the past several months,I have been having mood swings,and very short seems like I'm quick to anger,and very intolerant of people.that's just not normal for it part of having fibro?
@A MyFibroTeam Member
The fact that you are aware you are doing it and are accountable afterwards is good, friend
Some people never reflect and get that kind of insight.
In my experience, this is… read more
Does Changing Diet Help?
Has anyone had significant improvement with changing their diet? I don't have any tummy issues, but changing my diet is the one thing I haven't tried. I've asked a few doctors and they hadn't really seen any huge improvement with their patients.
Absolutely when you suffer fibromyalgia the diet is something you need to change, no potatoes😒 or legumes, read all the labels is a must and more with the migraine, no soy salsa, no Chocolat, no… read more
I Thought If I Was Joined To Another Persons Team Their Members A Automatically Joined My Team. But I Notice They Don’t. So What Changes?
It's me. While matter disease, also known as cerebral small vessel disease ,is damage in the white matter in the brain. No certain cause, but it's thought that it might be caused by hundreds of tiny… read more
Fibromialgia And Restless Legs Are They Related? And Are Severe Rash A Symptom Of Fibromialgia
please help, I suffer from fibro for 25years. I have restless legs , is this related to fibro, it is always starts on the left ankle until I cannot handle the shakes. my 2nd question since January I have terrible rash coming and going. it started on my tummy, then the lower legs, upper arms, face red, swollen and extremely itchy. I have seen numerous docters and specialists blood tests were done but no answer. for the past 2 weeks the rash is back starting on the right breast, then the left… read more
I get those rashes too. No one can tell me why. It is so severe I can't stand wearing clothes. I have tried layering Lanocaine and Gold Bond creams with some success - enough that I can finally fall… read more
Leg Cramps After Busy Day
Does anyone have leg cramps after what my body determines is a busy day? My back aches, my stomach aches, and my leg aches like crazy!!! Always happens. And though I usually ache somewhere always, this leg ache goes away if I take NSAIDs and rest.
I also have it. But when it gets really bad my legs won't hold me up and I fall.
What Do You Look For When You Pick Team Members?
Funny question, I know. But I always wonder why people pick me to join their team. What are we all looking for in a team member? I often worry when I am chosen because I am very opinionated about fighting our illness with exercise, diet and positive attitude. Many of you have read about my "joy shots" that I look for every day. You can find joy inspite of our painful lives. Lots of people don't agree so I was just wondering what y'all looked for in your team members. Have a blessed day and find… read more
If someone wants me on their team, I will add them to mine. We are all in the same boat more or less and we can learn from each other. Plus, I would support anyone going through a rough time. Many of… read more