Pre-diagnosis Life Events
I had major life stressors and a bout with mono and epstein barr prior to my diagnosis, ie: loss of parent, housing market crash, stock market crash, publishing going digital (my occupation), some environmental factors, sat in a window office for 8 yrs., when new management came in, I was moved to an interior office no more vit. D from sunshine, 6 months after my office was moved I began to feel ill. During my leave of absence I took a bad fall and had a compound knee fracture and torn⦠read more
I had a hysterectomy in Oct of 2001 and on Nov 30th of that year I lost my mom.
Yes, before diagnosis, I had multiple issues like you descibe? Very similar.
I worked with addicts for 4 years and was targeted by them in my own home. Lived by myself. Suffered PTSD and 2 months after that I could not use my hands for anything. The pain was unbearable. After many tests and neg results. I finally got to see a specialist who diagnoses Fibro. When I did a test online the score was high and I told my doctor. I was in so much pain. I am still in pain but the tensity has somewhat lessened. With the meds and other. But yes stress is the number one killer and causes many illinesses. Remove it at all cost it triggers and flares go through the roof for me. However, I have either distanced myself from some Ppl and let things slide with some. I am babbling....gentle hugs to all
I had general stress and illness just before the fibro. Also was in relationship with a mean alcoholic before it. I had had some surgeries to.
@A MyFibroTeam Member I never experienced any symptoms of Fibro until I had my daughter via c-section in 2011. My husband has said he thinks I never really recovered from her birth. I had post-partum depression after she was born, but chalked it up to the baby blues and never told my doctor about it so it went untreated. I also had a very high stress job as an office administrator where I basically catered to a bunch of moody man-babies, but I think my work kept me so preoccupied and busy that I didn't really stop to acknowledge the pain until my husband got a new job in Washington state and we moved here from Texas. When I no longer had my job as distraction, my depression hit me hard and I sought treatment. It was only after getting my depression and anxiety under control that I realized something else was wrong because the pain never went away.
Does Anyone Feel Like Their Social Anxiety Has Increased Due To The Fibro?
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