Shoulder Arm And Hand Pain At Night
I have the worst pain in my shoulders arms and hands at night ,my shoulders hurt so bad they start burning and feel like there on fire,then I get severe cramping in my arms,shooting pain thur handsthe hand pain is critical at all times,i cant even use them for the simplest things I have to pull up my sweats with my thumbs,thats the only thing I can shoulders have a tearing like feeling, I have had a x ray but nothing,i can here popping sounds to.i have had emg studies done ,mild… read more
Sounds like my carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel braces may help. Yes it hurts more in my arms than hands but the braces on my hands really help. I wear them for sleeping, driving, and computer use when I am having a flare.
I gave shoulder pain down to elbows at night n pops
I understand and sympathies with you. Before joining was put on Duloxetine I had many of your symptoms and just honestly struggled to get through a day. The Duloxetine has worked wonders for me. I do still hurt and feel exhausted most the time. I still ache but compared to the burning and many other issues I'm feeling not too bad. Had a stressful day which has set me off aching but j hope it eases off .
What does your doctor say?
the braces makes my hands swell,and the pain gets way worse...
Has Anyone Had Shoulder And Arm Problems??
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