Does anyone else here get ganglions in their tendons? Normally a ganglion is senovial fluid leaking from a joint but mine grow from right inside the tendon. My left foot and wrist and right hand have been most affected and they are quite painful as they grow to the point of spreading my bones and risk rupturing my tendons. They have had to be surgically removed. The one in march i had removed, theu had to splice my tendon 4 ways to get it out :(
I think if we wert so stubborn we wudnt get past another day, I think its hardwired into us. Us women have a high pain torrerance but sometimes it does kick us down unfortunately .x
LOL! Yes we are!
@Emansnsmom yes mine was on the top of my foot as well. Back in 2007 i had surgery on both knees (not ganglions) and my scissor finger (i used to be a hairstylist). Between the limping from the knees, constant standing and pumpming of the chair i developed the one on the top of my foot. Irritating at first bit got to the point ot was spreading my bones apart. I could no longer wear shoes or socks, only puffy slippers at work. I finally had to go off work and have surgery on it. I wasnt allowed to return to hairstyling and went back to school as a medical receptionist. Since then, in 2013 i seen another knee specialist as the drs in my town kept telling me i needed a knee replacement but was too young. The new specialist explained the problem wasnt my knee, it was that i was born with my tibias (lowe leg bones) turned almost sideways. A knee replacement would have failed because my bone alignment was off. So off i went for surgery number 5, having a high tibia rotational osteotomy. They cut the tibia just below the knee, rotated it 35 degrees, removed a wedge, moved the cap and ligaments and plated it all back together. I was off work 5 months. Bedridden 5 weeks and in a full leg brace for 4 nonths. It was excruciating. One month in my hamstring got linched in the hardware but the could not remove the hardware as the bone wasnt healed. I limped for another year unable to properly move my leg. They finally took the hardware out sept 2014. work for 3 months. Meanwhile..all the limping made the ganglio in the opposite foot come back. I was told due to scar tisse from the previois ganglio removal that i had to have it removed or it could rupture my tendon. I was only to be off 2 weeks as well but 5 days after surgery i slipped on black ice and fractured my ankle. My body has gone downhill big time sine the rotational osteotomy. I think its all the time spent on crutches ..its taken its tole on my upper body. This foot surgery and fracture has kicked it up as i am now limping on the knee i had surgery on. And my knee still isnt fixed. It crunches so bad they are talking replacement now. Im done with surgery tho. My body just cant take anymore trauma to it. Ill suffer the knee as long as i can. You see.. now that one leg is straight they need to do the other. My right leg is almost an inch shorter than the left which is affecting my sciatic nerve, lower back etc. Just a vicious cycle.
I had one in my right foot. The podiatrist I was seeing said it would be a simple surgery, I would be out of work 2 weeks at most. I ended up losing my job and was off my foot for 6 MONTHS! It got infected and a cardiovascular surgeon had to debride it down to the tendon. I now have little feeling in the top and right side of my foot. I have others that have since come out, but there is no way I'm going back to a podiatrist.
Yeah I ve been changed a few times I m at the Belfast clinic now which I found better he found problems with my hips that the other 1 didn't...apperantly I ve 1 leg a few inches longer than the other, my sister is the exact same...
Has Anyone Been Treated With A Stellate Ganglion Block?
Stellate Ganglion Block For PTSD And Anxiety
@A MyFibroTeam Member, What Does Your Doctor(s) Say About This? Is The Texture Like Ganglion? Can It Be Removed W/medicine Or Surgery? Lyndaπ