Do Any Of You Women Feel You Have More Severe Periods Due To FM?
I have severe cramps and terrible back and pain that shoots down my thighs during "That" time of the month.
I was thinking of asking for the Mirena IUD. It is supposed to stop your period after a few months so I'm wondering if it would stop the PMS flare? Does anyone have one?
Definitely. I always have back pain but a few days before, and the first few days of my period are brutal. I also experience worse fatigue and allergy symptoms. Basically I have a week long severe flare every month!
@A MyFibroTeam Member Fibro has done some weird crap to me...If I went through everything that has happened to me because of Fibromyalgia, I could write a book of horrors. LOL
@A MyFibroTeam Member This is one of the problems with fibro is the confusion of whether it is the fibro or something else which can lead to a whole lot of problems. The hot flashes can be from menopause or the can also be from the fibro because it is not uncommon to have these with fibro, although these don't pose a threat to our health this is just an example of other things that maybe ignored and thought to be the fibro.
@A MyFibroTeam Member I went to see a Gyn about a yr ago. Actually same one that did the Ablation. She did a thyroid test, and it was fine. I have hot flashes some times but I had Gastric Bypass 4 yrs ago....If you eat too much sugar, You get what is called the dump syndrome. When I have these hot flashes I am confused whether it is that going on or if it is menopause hot flashes. I will discuss this test with my PCP next month.
Hi , I Have Recently Developed A Dull Pain In My Left Shoulder Radiating Up My Neck . I Also Have Pins And Needles In The Left Of My Face .
Periods Are Just Awful With Fibro
Buenas... Soy De Ponce,PR. Desde El 81 Con FM. Algunos Han Tenido PerÃodos De Insomnio Severo. Aun Con El Medicamento No Duermo