Does Anyone Remember The Day They Got All Over Body Pain And It All Started? Because I Do. Or Maybe It Was My First Flare Up
I don't but I do remember the first time after many years of pain I didn't have any mentionable pain. I had went to a veterinary conference with my the fiancé and had allowed a vendor to use a cold laser therapy machine on my spine. No pain for about 36 hours. I should have bought the laser before I ditched the Vet!!!!
It was funny because I kept thinking I would get better.
I remember that terrible frightening day. I got up for work one morning and got in the shower and realized that I couldn't raise my arms up to my head to wash my hair. Later that day pain started shooting down my arms and hands!! By the end of the day my entire body was in agonizing pain!!
Yes I remember, we were on a family holiday, and I just got slower and slower and the pain got worse, I thought I had flu, that was 6yrs ago xx
I don't remember because semingly I've had this from teen stage.
Hi, Has Anyone Tried Prolozone Injections To Help With Areas Of Chronic Muscle Tightness?
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