Fibro Vs Osteoarthritis
What are the symptoms of Osteoarthritis pain that are different from Fibromyalgia pain? I do have Osteoarthritis in my fingers seen on an ex-ray but a blood test did not show any inflammation. But have some really stiff joints. Especially in my ankles.
I have both and find one can trigger the other, I find fibro pain tends to be soft tissue around joints and across bones such as clavicle and shoulder blades, osteoarthritis pain is more deep in the joints with a burning hot sensation. my lymph nodes tend to flare up with fibromyalgia and get really tender, id be interested to know if others get painful nodules popping up, I get them on shins and at base of skull and in jaw (random)??
I have both and I find if I over work a joint and it flares up the fibro kicks on too
I had a hard time telling the difference for awhile, because when you are in so much pain. I started doing meditation, deep breathing and relaxing (it may take you awhile to get it right). I find it easier to tell the difference; the pain in my bones /joints versus nerve pain. My fibromyagia pain tends to be more on the surface of my skin/nerves and my osteoarthritis within my joints. It is hard to describe, but give it a try.
I only have fibromyalgia but it doesn't affect my joints per say, just the tissue around it. Also, I feel muscle pain and weakness everywhere. Some mornings it hurts my arms to hold the blow dryer up. It can affects every muscle in my body and the tissue. Like if I press on certain parts of my body it feels badly bruised.
@philippqcartledgeriley I have painful nodules called lipomas scattered all over my body. Not sure if they're more painful because of Fibro. Most of them are in my thighs.
There is a difference between osteoarthritis and fibromyalsia. I have extreme pain in my joints and upper and lower spine. I already had a total right knee replacement due to the no more cartilage in my knee and the bone were bone on bone which caused the extreme pain I had. I have bone spurs which grow on your bone and cause the extreme pain. My discs are slowly disintegrating and pinch nerves. The fibromyalsia is additional pain for me which is painful even to the touch. I've had several MRI'S to watch how quickly or the rate they are discintegrating. At this point there's not much I can do except pray a lot and forge thru. If there's anything I'm leaving out, please ask because I can go on and on. I've been going thru this extreme pain now for several years and tried multiple things with no success. I hope you can get better results. Sending gentle hugs to you and hope you get better answers. Mleone.
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