Essential Oils..
To you essential oil users, I'm learning about using them. What's your favorite and why?
The site will not allow me to say the name brand of the oils I use. You are welcome to email me privately for more information. My email is [[email: [[email: (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) I like the brand I use because the plants are grown and oils are harvested in their natural habitat. The meet the CPTG established standards of completely natural and pure. Each batch of oil goes through multiple 3rd party testing to certify purity. They are the purest oils you can find in the world today. Not only that, they work for me! I am a wellness advocate for them now because the product has worked so well for me and my daughter who has EDS and a multiple other health issues.
I'm finding wintergreen on my hands mixed with some coconut oil is good
Valor works really well for my lower back pain!
Valor oil. I use it on my back and neck and chest. The smell and feeling of it calms me like one thing else. Lavender. I use this in the bath or mixed with coconut oil and applied to the skin. Sometimes I put a few drops on a piece of paper towel and slip it into my pillow case. Very relaxing and helps me get into the sleep zone. Peppermint applied to the temples to other sore areas. Again this one I mix with a little coconut oil.
I find peppermint oil is nice on trigger points after a hot shower. It's kind of cooling and helps just slightly. I bought lavender but I haven't used it much and it hasn't done much when I have, same with tangerine. I also pair it with a eucalyptus and spearmint body wash from bath and body works and that's a bit calming.
Essentials Oils
Essencial Oils
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