Has Anyone Heard Of The Pain Rehabilitation Clinic At Mayo?
What have you heard? Did you go? Did it help?
I had a neck surgery 9.5 years ago in which one of the two fusions didn't take. My Dr wanted me to have another surgery but I just didn't feel like I could handle it. He was considered the best neurosurgeon in Tulsa. I took heavy pain medication for quite a few years. Then I went to a pain management doctor. He suggested Radio Frequency Ablation. He gave me a temporary injection to see if it helped even for a short time and then we did the RFA a little later. RFA vibrates the nerves down your spine. These are some kind of sensory nerves that cause pain that you don't really need. It can last for up to 18 months. Mine has lasted for over 3 years. Lately most of my pain is in my hands, knees and ankles.
What all did they do for you?
I've learned a lot just reading your posts. I've been read about things that dealt with fibro 4 years but after a while there's not that much now so you get lax at it.
I have Dysautonomia (POTS) also and RA and now found out I have FM. I would be interested to know what you find out about the pain management. Best wishes to you!
My Pain management center gives me injections in my back for pain and that helps my sciatica too. They also give massages.
Pain Rehabilitation
Fibro Dizziness
Pain Management Clinic, Seacroft, Leeds.