Has Anyone Figured Out A Way To Make Wearing Jeans Bearable Again?
I've ALWAYS had problems with jeans growing up and my mom just thought it was sensory issues. I was able to wear them for a while pretty comfortably but lately it feels like my skin is on FIRE. or like it's just all ripping off. Does anyone else experience this? And is there a way to be more comfortable?
I love wearing sweatsuits.
Had that same problem. Any new jeans I have to wash at least three times. The dye bothers me. I also had to buy elastic waist band jeans. Tags bother me bothered me in the jeans. All rage bother me. Our skin can be very sensitive I have found. All material for me has to be soft.
Get jeans with spandex in them.
I wear the "jeggings" looks like jeans but feel more like leggings.
I have had to go to just wearing knit clothing for the past several years, tops and pants. I just bought a pair of jeans to try, I'm hoping I can handle them! I am so glad to know I am not the only one with this issue. I'm trying to re-integrate woven clothing back into my wardrobe because knits don't hide body flaws! If the jeans aren't comfortable I'll stick with my knit pants. Maybe I can get buy with wearing woven tops. Nice crisp cotton blouses look so good. When you're built like I am (pear), knit tops just tend to look sloppy.
Can Anyone Share Their Pain Clinic Experience In The UK?
Finally, A Solution To My Pants!!! :) LOL
I've Been Noticing Lately My Temper And Anxiety Is Really Bad I'm On Meds But Going Through A Very Stressful Situation. Anyone Else Get This