I have been experiencing incontinence. I tried AVOID but didn't help. I am incontinent even right after emptying my bladder. Bladder spasms? Does Detrol help?
I'm a health journalist and I did a story on pelvic floor disorders a few months back. (I also have overactive bladder.) The doctors that I interviewed said that incontinence is never normal. It's common, but not normal, and it's not just part of getting older. They said that women should always see a pelvic floor specialist to get checked out b/c there are treatments now (many are nonsurgical) to fix this. You don't have to live with it!!!!!
I'm seeing a pelvic floor therapist to control the muscles in pelvic region to prevent leakage
Has anyone tried the new tampon thing that's supposed to keep you from peeing? Do you have to take it out to pee?
I have to use a regular pad especially at night. I've had leakage before but this is run down my leg kind. Maybe it's just that I am in a flare up period.
I am the same, mine started straight after my spinal surgery in 2008, I was 30!!
I now have to self catheterise 3-4 times a day. Which means I don't have big accidents anymore. I still wear a thin pad, for the just incase situations. I don't know what Detroit is but I'd discuss it with ur dr, they will send u to see a urologist and they will do tests to see what part of ur bladder isn't working properly, some can be fixed with a small surgery, mine is non repairable. Catheters come in little small ones that can fit into ur pocket bags, or if ur more comfortable there is bigger ones so no one has to know. I hope u get it sorted soon .
Does Anyone Have Trouble With Incontinence And Lower Muscles Weak To Have A Bowel Movements
EMBARASING QUESTION: Does Anyone Have Unexplained Bladder Problems And Is It Related To Fibro?
This Is My Bladder Issues 👍I Just Gotta Go When Need To