Inflamation Or Not?
I keep reading different and hearing different Fibromyalgia an inflamation issue? Does it cause it? Is it a result of it?
I understand it can cause inflimation but my understanding is that it is a neurological condition causing mixed up signals from the brain to the body causing 'pain' where there is no reason for the pain and causing this to be widespread. Basically the nerves n nerve endings are making their own game up to play on us every day n all day...... its a crap game............
The reason you hear so many different things is because it is not totally understood yet and what they do know not all doctors agree about. The issue is that the nerves cannot communicate with the brain properly. That sounds neurological, but some doctors believe that it is autoimmune or something else.
This can cause a number of varying symptoms and problems. Pain, swelling, etc are just a few.
As far as I know it is just over active nerve endings. Inflammation sounds more like RA but who knows with this crazy disease
I can only speak for me. I have had fibro since 2005. I have had a high inflammation sed rate of 95. I was told by my neurologist and rheumatologist that my inflammation is being driven by fibromyalgia.
I think the Doctor's don't know but won't tell us after all we come to them for help, so they say try this, try that, frankly I'm tired of being treated like a lab rat and used at guinea pigs for their guessing games as how to treat us. In the mean time we suffer and they get richer. My own theory is we have to find what works for us and stick to it. Be diet, exercise, yoga, alternative medicine, etc. We can't do any worse then they are. I've had this about 18 years and try to keep as active as possible and all I hear is walk, walk, walk and I do what I can when I can. Told one Dr. I wish he had to deal with the pain maybe then he would understand what we are going through.
How Many Of You Consider Fibro An Autoimmune Disorder?
Has Anyone Had Issues With CRP And Sed Rate Being Elevated? I Have Had Elevation For Years With No Answers To Why.