Flare Up
Does anyone get burning sensation in there hands and itchiness expecially the head when they are having a fibro flare.
At night my hands and feet itch like crazy. It feels like bug bites all over. Sometimes I put some lotion on the area because it gets so itchy. I've been told by the ruhmatoligist that it is fibro related.
OMG!! For many years, because I work with children, I have checked my head for head lice. Thankfully I haven't found any. It didnt enter my head it would be the fibro.
A friend of mine wears gym gloves, she says it helps with the hand problems, it's worth a try I suppose.
Yes. My head, hands, and feet itch. I call it an insatiable itch. I can't seem to satisfy the itch.
Yes my hands itch real bad when they flare! Soft hugs
Yes i get really bad itch almost all over my body, worst in my hands, feet, knees and head. I found some relief from taking 10 mg Nortriptylin, according to my pharmacist itch is caused by over active nerve system.
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