Muscles Hardness X
Can anyone tell me if they have suffered from hard, very painful, muscles in your legs. My muscles are constantly hard and spasms and twitch constantly. I feel like I have ran a marathon. I have mobility troubles and this is just making things worse, it gets worse once I have exercised or have had a shower. Any help or advice would be great xxx
Okay don't laugh !! That was a Fibro fog moment ... You can laugh .. I Am .. Okay here it really is
Muscle Spasms - Cramping Your Style
Fibromyalgia, that very difficult to diagnosis syndrome, has many and varied symptoms associated with it, including muscle tenderness at specific points on the body, fatigue, sleep problems, and metabolic abnormalities. Since many of these symptoms also appear in other syndromes and diseases, it is often difficult to properly diagnose fibromyalgia, and sufferers may endure years of undiagnosed pain and discomfort as a result.
Thankfully, due to a massive body of research and concrete evidence, fibromyalgia is being diagnosed and treated more successfully today than ever before.
The Sudden Pain of a Muscle Spasm
Part and parcel of fibromyalgia symptoms are muscle spasms, the painful cramping of muscles, which can occur at any given moment in time. As a general rule, they often occur in the back, buttocks and legs - although other parts of the body cannot be ruled out. There have been a number of theories put forward concerning the reasons for this phenomenon and its association with fibromyalgia. One theory suggests that due to a reduced blood flow, the muscles are deprived oxygen which causes cramping, while another offers the opinion that they may be due to a reflex reaction.
Yet another looks at the connection of the genetic link to tears in the muscle tissue, something to which fibromyalgia sufferers show a susceptibility
Spinach, sweet potatoes, and bananas respectively are highest in potassium. Google it.
Have you tried magnesium? I've been told the powdered form is the best although I've never tried it. The pills have worked okay for me, for now. Wording the best and praying for answer for you. Sorry you are having problems.
I have leg swelling too. Buy compression socks! They cost a fair bit but you won't regret the expenditure!
Sometimes just knowing we are not alone helps a lot.
How Do You Describe It
Muscle Pain
Arm Pain