Male Vs. Female
I belong to other groups for Fibro that are all male. Are there any men in this group? I like to get different perspectives.
While I'm OBVIOUSLY NOT a man, as a physician, I've worked with many men as pts and they have been comfortable with me because I'm also a fibro pt and understand.
Remember to check the names of doctors on the AAPM directory for the names of Dr's in your area.
I'd be happy to formally have you in my group if you aren't already. I'm on sporadically and haven't even finished my profile yet which is part of this stupid fibro thing (as well as having ADHD) plus I travel to many meetings in the fall AND we're remodeling our kitchen where we've lived over 22 yrs. I DO suggest the "Lumosity" app (watch for possible deals to allow several family members &/or friends to sign on tog for greatly reduced rate, altho not that pricey, esp for the benefit) to enhance your brain function & PROVE to yourself you CAN still learn new things, get faster, etc. Check the AAPM (American Academy of Pain Management) site for the names of doctors affiliated with THEM that would be in your area. Anymore, meds OTHER THAN opioids will be tried first. IF they do not give adequate relief or you have already been tried on medications they would also have tried, THEN most of those doctors with be more likely to slowly add them because they know HOW TO and aren't AFRAID to. I would also recommend NOT seeing a pain doc whose other primary specialty is anesthesia. They know the biochemistry of HOW things work but they know less about how PEOPLE work/function when awake. This comes from multiple observations. Those from Fam or Int Med knows how patients want to get back to functioning at their former levels.
And remember this phrase. "Addicts want to stay ZONED OUT and don't care how they think. Those with chronic pain want to stay IN THE ZONE and DON'T want to lose cognitive functioning." Only 10-12% of the population is even AT RISK of being an addict. WHY should 88-90% be punished & be denied meds that work if they develop pain? Too many uneducated doctors. IF a post-surgical knee replacement patient TAKES pain meds when hurting, they WON'T develop an abnormal gait during rehab. They especially need to take it 20-30 min before rehab sessions. As they get better, they will need less and less until they are alternating the opioid with tylenol as they learn what type of pain requires which med. They'll be likely to need none faster than those who are so afraid of taking pain meds, they hurt longer and take longer to rehab. It's the best analogy I know because it's such a common procedure.
I hope this helps.
I am female.
My wife is out of town for the holiday. I only live here part time & have found a doc I am happy with but thanks
Relief From Restless Legs And Pain In The Legs In The Evening?
Dating With Fibro.