Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Myalgic Encephalitis/chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Also ??
Has anyone also been diagnosed with myalgic encephalamytis / chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome also......
I have known about having the Epstein Barr virus for 5 months now and have been fatigued for 10 months. I had a diagnosis of fibro from a dr who didn't known what the Epstein Barr virus was and now I'm seeing a new rheumatologist. What do you do for chronic fatigue? I can barely get out of bed and a lot of days I cannot get out of bed. My body is tired. I'm not sleeping well. I only sleep 2-4 hrs at a time and feel so unrefreshed upon waking. I'm up and yawning for an hour or a few until I fall back asleep and the cycle continues....
Sorry to hear that...How are you managing ?
Yes, I have been diagnosed with both. I also have CEBV.
What are your symptoms ??? Did your doctor take any blood tests , were you ever diagnosed with the Epstein Barr Virus...Your doctor should take it very seriously !!!!. If not, I would find a physician that understands the condition and knows how do diagnose it....I was diagonsed by the director of infectious diseases and professor of medicine here in Minnesota. There was a major outbreak when I was inflicted with CFIDS...I was one of the victims.....
I feel that I may have it as well but when I've brought it up to my Dr.s they don't seem to take it seriously.
Getting Back To Work Post Dx — Seeking Tips And Inspiration!
Diagnosis Abbreviation Explanation?
Extreme Fatigue In Arms And Jaw