Who Else Feels Like Your Spouse / Family Thinks You Are Lazy Because Of Your Fatigue??
Although my diagnosis of Fibro is fairly new, my symptoms have been going on for many years. I finally feel validated to know that what I have been feeling is REAL! My pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, IBS, insomnia, etc... However, now that I know it is real and I have something that has a name, I feel like I need to do less around the house and take more down time for myself. When I don't clean the house, or make dinner, or have a day off spent on the couch, I feel like my husband thinks Iā¦ read more
I can't do much around the house now. I couldn't ask hubby to do much around the house because he's had two heart attacks. So, I found a wonderful woman who comes once every two weeks to do the vacuuming and dusting. I didn't take any nonsense from hubby about the cost. I just let the dust pile up on the rugs and floors until it resembled mice then introduced him to Lynn the Cleaner. I persuaded hubby that he could learn to do the laundry as it wasn't heavy work - just putting "stuff" into the washer and dryer. He quickly learned how to turn the dishwasher on too. I make sure that our meals are simple but nutritious. I don't stand at the stove much as standing aggravates the back - a LOT. Some husbands just can't "absorb" the fact that their wives can no longer accomplish what they used to do. I did sit down with hubby just after I was diagnosed with fibro, and after he had his first heart attack and put the facts "on the table". We had a good, long discussion; and eventually, as his ability to do jobs diminished, he realized I was RIGHT! So, be tough fibro-warriors! Stand strong. Stand firm. Do what you must to achieve a quality of life!
(((Hugs!!)) Yes...yes...and YES! You are not alone. So many times I have heard (through the grapevine of course) that I was faking, seeking attention, being lazy, etc. I have a wonderful husband who is as supportive as he can be but he doesn't have a CLUE what is going on within my body. Please do not beat yourself up for not being Susie Homemaker on top of your full-time job! From the little speck of knowledge from mass research I have found it all says that you have to find a balance. Alternate times of activity with times of more restful things. Pace yourself! As far as hubbie goes, I'm sure he sees you struggling. Try talking to him about how he could help take some of the pressure off of you so that you can have more down time. Hope this helps!
I feel like if I complain that I am in pain then he will feel like all I do is complain. If I am in pain and don't tell him, then he will think I am fine and just not wanting to do anything! It is a no win situation! Be labeled a 'whiner' or 'lazy'! He says he is educating himself and that the way I "think" he feels is not true but I can't help but feel that he is not supportive and this is getting in the way of our relationship after 25 years of marriage!
Sister your not alone. My hubby thinks lose weight will get rid of fibro
I can relate. My husband is the same way. I have responded to questions like this a few times in the last couple of months and so you should know that you are not alone. It is hard for family members, sometimes especially husbands, to come to grips with the new reality that you cannot do everything like you used to do. Some things I have done with my husband is buy books about fibromyalgia and ask him to read them, send him fibromyalgia memes, give him constant, detailed updates on my pain level and the symptoms I am having for that day, etc. Good luck!
Excessive Sleepiness Being On Neurontin
Anyone Else Feel The Need To Make Up Stomach Aches Or Headaches To Explain Why You Need Extra Rest, Etc?
Is This Just Me Or Do Family And Friends Just Think Your Lazy Because You Tell Them Your In Pain Everyday