Disability Questions:
I do not qualify ( which I think it I s BS)! When I was talking to a lawyer (one on the phone from online) he said if your financial situation changes try then. So does first question do you know what that amount is? How do they calculate how much you get? And how much more do you get for kids? I get so angry that I don't qualify do to I have not worked for 20 years. Someone told me try and get it for mental issues and they don't use the ten year rule. I know one gal who had very⦠read more
Just to up date you a little bit in case you haven't heard.
Fibromyalgia, is now recognized as a disability unto itself. The Social Security Administration (SSA) published a ruling in July 2012 that provides guidance to disability claims examiners and administrative law judges on how to assess fibromyalgia cases.
Have you gone to your local social security office? If not, schedule an appointment with a counselor there and discuss what issues you are dealing with. I do advise that you take someone with you incase you miss something said. They can also assist you with filing if they determine you can.
Most lawyers will not help until you've been denied twice.
Another option is speak with your doctor ask him if there is a social worker who they work with that you can get a referral to. The. Speak with them and they too can helo you file once determined you should.
Be prepared for a long battle though. I filed in 2013, and have been denied 3 times now. Latest was from a judge that my lawyer interpreted that she thinks everyone is lying, including my Doc. If I would have known I should be logging everything about symptoms, pain locations, how I feel, etc. I would have and could have submitted it as evidence.
The social security office will also have a list of lawyers who work with disability cases and most do not require payment until you win.
Good luck sweetie.
Soft huggs
Find. A social security lawyer who represents people seeking disability. Don't give up it might take a few tries.
The SSA doesn't care how many years we've worked. They only look at the last 10 years going back from the time you file, and if you've been out of work and wait more than 5 years to apply, then you loose all your benefits. And SSI is always less than SSDI would be. Yes, you should be able to go to the SSA website or call them to get an idea of the amount your check would be.
You must have worked at least 50% of the last 10 years going back from the date that you file for SSDI, and you must have worked enough full time hours with SS taxes taken out of your checks to have the necessary work credits. If not, then you may qualify for SSI which is based on total household income and assets.
Has Anyone Received Disability For Fibromyalgia??
Advice On How To Get Disability With An Appeal Letter?
Applying For Social Security Disability Any Suggestion Or Help You Can Offer?