It Seems That My Symptoms Are Worse When I Am Emotional. The Anniversary Of The Death Of My Beloved 21 Year Old Son Is On March 1st.
Is there a connection?
I'm so very ,very sorry for your loss ! Your right though whenever our bodies detect stress , anger or worry it's almost like it triggers more pain and even flare ups. Most situations I try to avoid the stress but in cases like this , there's no turning off the emotions. For years I suffered the same way on the anniversary of my parents deaths thankfully God has lessened the pain of their passing from my heart and it's not as bad anymore. I still mourn them and always will but I know they wouldn't want me to suffer and your son wouldn't want that for you either. Gentle hugs and prayers for God to carry you through the heartache,
I will be thinking of you as the dreaded anniversary comes up and through out the year. I am sorry for your unimaginable loss. My husband's suicide was 17 years ago in late January. I actually forgot it during the week of it happening but my body didn't. I was spent. Exhausted. Off key. I was ok about "forgetting" it consciously but found it interesting that my body and spirit mourned without my conscious mind. I've been getting weekly massages and acupuncture and mental therapy for an injury/assault. Please consider pampering yourself ahead of the anniversary. God Bless You and Keep You and Make His Face to Shine upon You.💜
Allison, if I can offer some advice from a person who's had loss too , "don't isolate yourself." That only makes the pain worse, the greatest thing you did was to share your pain with others. When I lost my parents I isolated myself from the world and the outcome wasn't pretty, the grief took over and I didn't want to go on. Thankfully a Christian friend picked me up off the floor and helped me see that it wasn't my time and that God and my parents wanted me to go on. Know that God and your son want you to go on too......gentle hugs and prayers for strength my sister warrior.
@A MyFibroTeam Member my symptoms are definitely worsened by emotional distress or trauma. I'm so sorry for your loss, this must be a very difficult time for you. Many prayers and gentle hugs.
I believe that mood can definitely affect how we cope with FM symptoms.its a vicious cycle. I'm sorry about the passing of your son. I hope you can find some solence that he is in the hands of the Lord. Bless you now during this difficult time and always. Gentle hugs
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