Ideas How To Deal With Brain Fog
I'm having a terrible time with brain fog, especially at work. Was hoping to get ideas on how to deal with this issue.
I've learned that drinking green tea works for me. It contains caffeine so I'm not sure how you would feel about that. To me it was the safer alternative than taking medication or drinking lots of red bull to help me stay alert. I hope this helps.
B12 and D3 help me
I find caffine makes my brain fog even worse, i crash and peak all the time and the effects of waking you up ware off. It took me some time to get used to it but i cut caffine out and it has made a massive difference, very little brain fog, no more peaking and crashing and i found my moods improved as well. I also find a 100 vitamin B complex supplements also help.
First of all ! I had fibrofog, but now i dont have any fibrofog !!! I tried a lot of supplements and stuff, but what can help is combination of Q10, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and quality OMEGA 3 ! It is important to to know that Q10 and Vitamin E are fat soluable, so you need take them with food which contain important thing even more than supplements is WATER !!!!! Really you can get out of water drinking water propertly 2-2.5 L is reccomended every day !! I mean pure water, no juices, coffee or another things. You can combine water + hymalian salt 0,3 + spoon of salt to fill it with electrolytes.Ideally if you want support all this you need to Stop eating sugar, carbs a fruits, you can eat tiny amout of this for example 100g Rice + Vegetable + Protein. ANOTHER THING TRY FASTING !! TRY TO EAT ONLY FROM 12:00 TO 16:00 AFTER THAT ONLY WATTER IS ACCETABLE. STOP EAT A LOT OF FOOD, EAT LESS BUT QUALITY WHOLE PROCUTS ! PEACE BODHI SATOR
I agree, so debilitating.
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