Invisible Tremors??
Sorry I've been asking so many questions recently. I'm really not doing well just now.
I feel like the inside of my whole body is shaking, like tremors but when I put my hand out to check, it's steady?!
Any ideas?
@A MyFibroTeam Member never apologize for asking questions, how else will you find out anything? We all do it, the trial and error part really sucks!
Over doing. Yes I know it doesn't matter you have to stop and breath and relax.
I have a really small tremor, unnoticeable to anyone else. The only way its visible is that I can see my hair shaking if I look at it! It's constant, never stops, its exhausting!!! Have a warm bath, lay down, relax as much as poss..Xxx
Have you been checked for hypoglycemic...this will cause severe tremors...I had it before I developed type 2 diabetes
Have you checked your blood pressure?
Anyone Ever Get Tremors?
Any One Get Stabbing In The Shoulder Joints Or Sharp In The Shoulders ? What About Stabbing In The Back ?
It Feels Good To Be To Lay On The Very Edge Of My Bed And Dangle My Arm And Leg Off The Bed And It Helps.