Invisible Tremors??
Sorry I've been asking so many questions recently. I'm really not doing well just now.
I feel like the inside of my whole body is shaking, like tremors but when I put my hand out to check, it's steady?!
Any ideas?
@A MyFibroTeam Member never apologize for asking questions, how else will you find out anything? We all do it, the trial and error part really sucks!
Over doing. Yes I know it doesn't matter you have to stop and breath and relax.
I have a really small tremor, unnoticeable to anyone else. The only way its visible is that I can see my hair shaking if I look at it! It's constant, never stops, its exhausting!!! Have a warm bath, lay down, relax as much as poss..Xxx
Have you been checked for hypoglycemic...this will cause severe tremors...I had it before I developed type 2 diabetes
Have you checked your blood pressure?
Anyone Ever Get Tremors?
It Feels Good To Be To Lay On The Very Edge Of My Bed And Dangle My Arm And Leg Off The Bed And It Helps.
I Had A Really Really Bad Flare Up Last Weekend Where I Had Issues Walking & Was In Bed Most Of The Time. It Also Triggered My Asthma .why?