Hey, I've been also taking Melatonin to try and help me sleep. Right now I take 5mg and it seems to help sometimes but more often it does not. I was wondering for those that use it, how much most of you take of that to help the sleep to be better?
I have been taking it when I think I really need it take 10mg and it has always put me to sleep
you can build up a tolerance to Melatonin, so i'd recommend only taking it as needed.
My psychiatrist told me to take 3 (5mg) melatonin . The more you take the more it works! I wouldn't suggest a huge dose!
It does give you vivid dreams!
I read an article that said our bodies cannot absorb more than 3mg of melatonin, the rest is urinated out. I used to take it every night but I started having trouble with restless leg syndrome, twitching etc... So now I only take it on the worst nights.
Ok, Thanks. I was thinking about doing that. I'll try to go to 6mg and go from there. I have used that now and then and I think that does help more. Not sure if it still keeps me sleepier than usual in the morning or not though.
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