Pain Tracker
I've been poking around on the phone app but can't seem to find. Is there a pain tracker? Would love to be able to track& see a graph of my symptoms
A good one I've used is Called Chronic Pain Tracker Pro . I printed out a few graphs etc & gave them to my Pain Consultant the 1st time I saw him . It definitely helped , especially with my memory !!
I've been trying out Catch my Pain
Checked out a couple of apps. I download one from Prohealth. Only been using it for a couple of days but so far it is pretty easy to use. Another one I saw was from WebMd. Too many people having it crash so I went w/ the first. If you search for fibro on your app, should give you a list of apps. Everyone is different so you just need to look through them and see what would fit for your needs.
Someone on this site (sorry, I can't remember who) mentioned an app called 'CatchMyPain'. I just downloaded it and just started using it. I'm not sure if and how it tracks your pain but it might be worth a look
@CandiceWay I love that it will remind you to chart but I don't really like the chart it creates. I'm doing it mainly for disability filing as backup.
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