Has Anyone Experienced Face Numbness? Mine Is Occuring Under My Bottom Lip. I Do Have TMJ.
I have numbness a lot on my left side and wake with my arm and hand a sleep and I haven't been lying on them.
I have a condition called Thermal Allodynia which is triggered by temperature change! I get numbness, feelings of pin pricks, shooting pains and burning all in my face and just recently started with numbness in my neck! Mine is a type of hypersensitivity whereby the nerves in my brain responds to temperature change as if it's a noxious stimulus!
Hi Monique,
I have numbness in my toes, my arms and fingers. Sometimes, I feel electrics shocks. In my case, it's seems to be an hypersensativity to my nerves. Maybe the same thing is happening to you...
Yes I went numb on right side of body in Dec most has come back except around my mouth and it still feels numb like after you leave the dentist office and few areas on body.
Face numbness, arms, legs, feet, and digits, too. All affected by the nerves, part of the nervous system of ours that has been assaulted.
Just relax, massage your face gently while breathing into the numbness.
Do you see a specialist for your TMJ and/or fi you have a mouthpiece that help with the pain?
You are young and lovely. Take good care now and kick this disease!
My Best! LET
TMJ Problems With Fibromyalgia
Itching Starts At Night