Anyones colestrol high, even though eat healthy? I think that could be fibro related too, iam confused.
I use fish oil , and I find that it works great for reducing the Cholesterol
I agree with @A MyFibroTeam Member high cholesterol is often genetic, especially when it doesn't respond to diet and exercise. Mine has always been a little high. One of my close friends is a medical doctor and her opinion is that cholesterol is unique to the makeup of each person and that if it is genetic that if there is not a history of high blood pressure and heart disease then it will probably not impact you then it is not a trigger for these conditions. However, inflammation is a precursor to most disease. Finding ways to naturally reduce inflammation is probably most important. I find that ginger and turmeric is good as far as a natural supplement. There are many other things we can do nutritionally to help reduce inflammation as well.
It could be hereditary and your dr can tell you if your diet isn't helping bring down the numbers - a low dose of med could be what you need!
I have high cholesterol as fibromalga can cause a fatty liver (non-alcahol) which then raises your cholesterol
@A MyFibroTeam Member.thankyou for your reply, what you have said ive been told too, thats the reason i have asked that question, mine was fine before fibro diagnosis, so, that is interesting.:-)
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