Lymes N Fibro
Has anyone done reading where Lymes and fibromyalgia or cfs are found to be linked. ?
Has anyone's doctors ever Said anything like this?
I wondering if my fibromyalgia was caused by my Lymes. And from my reading they can link them.
Lyme's blood is always one of the test Rheumatologist does with a lot of others !!!
@JDD, Yes, I have a cousin who has Lymes and Fibromyalgia. I also, have heard of a Dr in Scottsdale AZ who is studying this issue in his clinic.
CFS and fibro are the same thing according to what I have read. Lyme's disease is unrelated and caused by deer ticks.
????? Xox
@A MyFibroTeam Member, good to know. It's not right for the medical community to make money off of "Chronic Pain" patients.
Does Any One Else Also Have Lymes Disease?
Weird Feeling
Fibro And Lyme