Savella? Any Experiences?
My doctor asked me to do research on the new drugs Savella. She said to find people with fibromyalgia who've taken it and see for myself if it works or not. I am very excited about the thought that something can help better than what I wanted. So please, if you've taken it FOR FIbromyalgia let me know your experience! Thank you!
I"ve taken it and it worked. I felt great. I was able to go back to work. Lose 60 pounds. Play with my dogs. Now I"m on Lyrica and I"m stuck on the couch again.
At first it was great but I was hungry all the time and gained 13 pounds in 1 month and ended up in emergency room with serotonin syndrome. Made me tachycardic and I felt dizzy.
@A MyFibroTeam Member insurance wont pay for it and conflicts with a new med i need
Taken Savella for 3 months but it did not agree with me. Sent my liver enzymes way up.
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Hi! Has Anyone Switched From Gabapentin To Savella (milnacipran)? Does It Work Better? Iām Currently On 300mg Of Gabapentin 3x A Day.