Advice Please? Can Anyone Give Me Thier Experience Of Duloxetine (Cymbalta)?
I have been weaned off gabapentin and started my new prescription of duloxetine today. I was looking forward to this (strangely) as it meant bringing my total of 23 tablets down to two/day. The recommendation from the consultant was positive and I even found some research to support it's use with Fibro (couldn't tell you where tho). Got to be good right? Well I took my first dose this morning and OMG! What a horror - vomiting - (well intense dry heaving actually as I can't eat at the moment)… read more
I have been taking Cymbalta for abt. 8 yrs. Please keep in mind that Any New medicine can/will take a few for your body to adjust. I know you need to titrate UP to 60mg (or more) yes I went through a lot of adjustment, but I hate to run out - cuz I get "body shocks" with every step I take. I am fairly certain that you experienced "A Serotonin Overdose" they can also manifest as a panic attack!! Please follow the instructions from your Doctor. I am willing to help you with anything else, or just listen! Good luck and have a pain free day!!
I was on
Cymbalta for three years. It did help with pain but I gained a ton of weight. Its very difficult to get off of once on it because the body experiences pain like no other I have ever felt throughout my body. So I started a new prescription called Fetzima and I am alert, losing my weight and it helped with my depression. However It did not help my anxiety and I have to get off of Fetzima because I have had allergy reactions such as intense itching and sometimes red swollen skin on my legs and hands and feet. . So in 4 days I will be off Fetzima. I was also very alert and able to focus. I hope they find something that works with out gaining weight.
I have no problem with the Gabapentin. It helps me with my legs and arms. Cymbalta made me sick. Everyone is different though. Hopefully after a week you can get over the side effects your having. If not then go back to what worked until you find something else. Take Care of yourself.
Duloxetine Possible A UK Thing
Does Anyone Else Use Duloxutine