Anyone Have Hand AND Arm Tremors?
I have these and showed my dr and she seems very concerned. But my neurologist has said she doesn't believe it's MS. But the MRI that was done was not by her, it was by my dr (regular PCP). It is very alarming when it happens. Any thoughts?
I don't have it in the arms but I have noticed a few times, my neck will shake my head uncontrollably just briefly but it is alarming! I haven't mentioned this to my doctor either as I'm sick of having soooo many things wrong with me. Again, it is a nerve or muscle thing so probably linked to Fibro although you don't see these things on a Fibro checklist! Maybe we all need to open up more about all these symptoms we have that we don't think are related to Fibro and maybe we will be surprised at how many of our Fibro friends have the same issues!!!!
I have essential tremor but I had myoclonic spasms before detoxing from opioid medication. If you are on one dose for years and do not have the dose increased the body will want more and get nuerologically unstable. While you are coming off your body litterally kicks the habit as it wants more even if there is no psychological addiction.
I have the hand and and head tremors. Scary
I have it and they are checking me for seizures. But I think it is related to fibromyalgia. There have been other people say they have this going on. I hope you get answers.
I don't know if they are tremors that I have, just at times my muscles in arms and legs jump, like tics. You can just watch and see the muscle jump. Is this what you have or something else?
Anyone Ever Get Tremors?
Does Anyone Get Tremors As A Symptom Of Your Fibromyalgia? Thank You.
Is There Anyone Else That Is Suffering Badly With Hand Tremor's And Sudden Body Jerks