I Want To Go To A Massage Therapist But I Heard It Hurts
I want to go to a massage therapist but I heard that it hurts. My back is always a mess of knots, and I don't have anyone who can give me a massage and most people I don't trust because my back can be so sensitive especially during a flare up. I need help and relief and I don't know if a massage therapist is the right choice
Hi. I am a qualified massage therapist and a fellow fibro sufferer. Massage is brilliant for fibro pain, fatigue and stress/anxiety/depression and can be used as an all over massage or concentrated on a particular bothersome area. Deep tissue massage is great for pain relief but make sure your therapist is aware of your fibro and a good therapist should adjust the treatment to suit you. You can 'drive' the massage so that you dictate the levels of pressure, areas to concentrate on and frequency of cycle sort of speak. Also, Indian head massage with or without oils can be extremely beneficial to depression,anxiety and can encourage sleep. I would also highly recommend reflexology as part of your therapy. I have had clients with MS, ME, FMS and CFS who said they benefited a lot from massage. I also love it. A nice and simple aromatherapy facial is also a big hit with my clients
I also use TENS instead of a therapist. I get excellent results with it. Fot knotted muscles I use tighten and release. Just tighten a muscle group and hold it for the count of ten and release. Do it for a few times and move on to the next group. I swear by Aspercreme. I keep it by me at all times. I hope you have a good day.
Massage therapy feels good for me...have them go easy on you..tell them you have fibro, and if they are using too much pressure, tell the to use less, be sure to drink a ton of water afterward.
Some massage therapists are experienced with fibromyalgia and some are not. If you can find one that is they are very helpful. I just started going to a new one that gives a trigger point massage. The trigger point hurts but really releases all of the knots.
@A MyFibroTeam Member hi, hope your ok today. Just wanted to let you know that deep tissue massage is a treatment for us. It hurts while it's being done, and for a day or so after but then it really loosens you up. You must find a masseuse that knows about fybro and has training as the regular masseuse won't know how to do it. I have it done by a sports masseuse, he happens to be my cousin too, very good, very powerful hands, hurts like mad but then feels good. X
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