Has Anyone Eperienced Weight Gain With Lyrica?
I currently take Cymbalta 60 mg and my Dr add Lyrica 75 mg at night to help with the pain. He wants me to try it for two weeks at that dosage and then increase to 150 mg. I am very concerned about weight gain though. He told me 20% of the people experience weight gain but he did not say how much. Have you experienced any weight gain and how much? Is Lyrica worth it for you?
Thank you for your answers.
Yes gained wt from it et caused more swelling for me in lower extremities...went up to max dose didn't do anything for me. But everyone needs to weigh the pro et cons on all meds et do what's best for you. And if something helps et puts wt on have to do what you are comf. with:)
Yeah lyrica has made me put on a lot of weight, but I agree it may also come from being less active due to pain, I take 600mg daily and I am thinking of getting off it now but it has horrible side effects of coming off it
I was just given Cymbalta 30 Meg's to start and 60 mugs after a week. The pharmacist told me I would experience issues with appetite control. As a post menopausal woman that is the last thing I need. I haven't started the script yet. How bad is this going to get?
Yes, but I don't take it any more.
It seems quite q few meds add weight, I fell like shaking the Dr when he says lose weight then give me more meds
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