Does Anyone Else Wake Up At Night And Then Stay Awake For Hours
I have woke up around 2 and been up til 4 or 5 almost every night for the last 10 days. I'm exhausted. Having trouble keeping up with my 4 yr old. For some reason I just can't fall back asleep.
Hi lovely. Yes . Insomnia most suffer from this is linked with FM . I am up till past midnight then in and off cant really sleep . There are meds herbal meds suggested by specialists you may be able to use t help . If you can eliminate coffee sweet things etc . Its draining and one feels like they never slept . .
Hope this helps .
Yes, it used to happen a lot. Then I started taking Ambien and it's not so bad. Still happens, just not as much.
Yes all the time!!! I went to the doctors last week and she told me to start taking melatonin!! It's over the counter. And it's a natural aide since our bodies normally produce it on it's own. Since I started taking it I definitely get a lot more sleep!! I started with I take 15mg. They dissolve on your tongue and taste like strawberries.... And doesn't have that medicine taste @ all!!!
I'm lucky if I can fall asleep at all. 3:30, and I'm still awake. Didn't sleep last night. Took.a little nap from 7-11 this morning. My summer pain is very different than my winter pain--just feels like a lot of pressure is on my body with a lot more localized joint pain. I just can't get comfortable, get my brain to a peaceful place, and sleep for a decent amount of time at night. Best of luck to you.
Yes, when I went to a neurologist for chronic migraines, he told me I was severely sleep deprived. I had suffered from fibro insomnia for some 15 years by that time. I was already taking Flexeril which I thought really helped. Regardless, he told me it was a very serious issue and affecting my main organs. He put me on sleeping pills immediately. I still wake up at least twice a night but I can usually get back to sleep. Sleepy Time herbal tea helps but Teaveana has some wonderful choices of herbal teas to select from. The worst thing you can do is turn the TV on or get on your phone or tablet. Get a daily devotional or something to read under a lamp if possible. Light a lavender calender candle or some other aroma therapy. Pray for others or your family, yourself, just talk to the Lord. Start a journal and write in it when you can'take sleep. Please try some of these tricks. Please get some medical assistance. Don't wait until you are severely sleep deprived or insomnia starts affecting your main organs. Love, Lila
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