Pain Tracker
We hurt EVERYDAY, is it necessary to track our pain?
What about flipping the concept and keeping a record of what makes you feel good, that way you are focused on the positive??
I have tracked my flair-ups to know that a coming storm and my menstrual cycle will cause them. Also stress and extreme heat, humidity and could weather affect me. I also have trouble with a lot of noise and crowds of people. Hormonal fluctuations are the worst. I ended up in the ER and admitted to the hospital during my menstrual cycle.
It is not necessary to track your pain. However, It might be helpful so that you can look back and see if one day is worse than the other and to find the trigger for the worse days. Plus, if you ever decide to write a book on your journey it would be beneficial to have it documented.
True,the more you focus on it ,the worse you feel.
I have tried but forget. It is helpful to figure out triggers as well as keeping your doctor "in the loop!"
Have you tried cutting out sugar and gluten? Eliminating gluten has definitely helped me.
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