Pain Problems
Since my diagnosis of fibro I was started on 300mg 3 times a day this was increased to 900mg times a day, I didn't gain much weight (I did on amitrip), I didn't find much pain relief with them. I then went on to lyrica 300mg twice a day and got no relief from that. Now I'm on Duloxetine 90mg daily and not getting much relief from that either. Does anyone have any suggestions of other meds I could try?? Thank you
nothing works for me either.. they actually make me more sick. sounds like an awful lot of meds! 12 pills in the morning and 14 at night? that's crazy! sorry, that doesn't sound good.
I have been given different painkillers for different conditions (none of them actually for fibro) and I find that the mixture of these pain killers helps with the fibro and if I run out of any one of them I know about it
By the sounds of it your body is immune to low dose slow release meds.... Ask about palexia or tapentanol as it's technically called, it's the drug between morphine and tramadol but it's not slow release nor slow acting it starts to act in as little as half an hour and they floored me (I take 12 pills a morning and 14 a night for five years it's hard to floor me) also maybe ask about butrans patches they are good, oramorph if you can get it... Diazepam.... But try for the palexia first it should help you no end x
Electrical Shocks
Sensory Axonal Neuropathy