How Many People Have Rhumatoid Arthritis Along With Fibromyalgia?
Was wondering if there is a connection between fibromyalgia and Rhumatoid arthritis?
I have OA but I'm being tested for RA also. Definitely tired on the pain & no doctors that are helpful. I'm not on Lyrica but thinking about it but afraid of weight gain.
Yes i have both. it stinks.
Pain...Arthritis or Fibro..Doctors can't make up their mind. The continuous pain wears the body out. Inability for your adrenal glands to secrete enough cortisol. That is your bodies natural pain defense..Doctors do not look into the wellness of the adrenal glands. Even cars break down when they are over used!! Pain..wears out the adrenal glands..then the thyroid...The doctor missed my daughters diagnosis's. Luckily it was found before organ failure..Stay in the positive mind and read and find out facts.
I have rheumatoid arthritis with fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed buy a rheumatologist 2 years ago. I believe that my fibromyalgia was brought on a very bad case of pneumonia. I have read a lot on this disease and they say that it is genetic. Years ago I can remember that my mother's sister was always tired in pain she has passed on since but I truly believe that is where my fibromyalgia came from um. This disease has been around since 1800 they still don't know what causes it and there is no cure. The best that we can do is stay in a positive State of Mind and try to make the best out of a bad situation. Bless you all let's hope for a better tomorrow.
I have RA & Fibro too. I was diagnosed originally osteoarthritis, then my Rheumatologist changed my diagnosis to RA. I was being treated for RA for several years when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. It really stinks because I don't know whether my pain is from my RA or my Fibro. All I know is that I am in pain and utterly exhausted and in pain most of the time now. My Dr just prescribed Lyrica to see if that helps at all. I am praying for a breakthrough!
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