Am I Suffering With Fibromyalgia?
Hey there.
I know I need to get the proper diagnosis however I am curious to what others think about my symptoms. So for about half a year now I suffer with really bad joint pain, my lower back, my knees, hips & ankles. I also suffer with muscle pain after doing nothing which is extremely frustrating. I am always always always tired, I can get up st 10am and by 2pm I'm exhausted and that will only be doing light duties. My body feels weak nearly all the time and I have to talk myself into… read more
Yes it does sound like Fibromyalgia but get yourself checked out at your doctor. FM symptoms are so similar to MS, Lupus, etc. Get it diagnosed by a doctor, preferably a Rhumatoligist. Good luck ❤
Yes! Don't know how much you have been checked or if you've had any tests or anything to see what it might or might not be! Please do get those tests and get started to feeling better! Sounds so much like Fibro, but it attacks the muscles more than the joints, although they hurt too!! Saying a prayer that you get some answers soon!!!
I'm not a Dr but it sounds like u could have multiple thing. Your joints could be a joint problem . Anxiety is different. U definitely need to see a doctor n get the process started lots of blood work n test. Best of luck 💜
You must go and have tests to rule out other things first especially if there is a history of arthritis in your family. There is no test for fibromyalgia it is only by a process of eliminating other illnesses that they can diagnose it and there is no miracle cure or specific treatment for fibromyalgia either but it is crucial you get an early diagnosis. I am not medically qualified to say you do or don't have it but there are usually other symptoms as well as severe fatigue and pain such as bowel problems, sleep problems, ringing in your ears, balance probs, nausea etc. The depression and anxiety in my experience was a natural progression that came about from being physically unwell for a long time and in your case could be as a result of the worry of not feeling physically well and not feeling yourself. As long as you get an early diagnosis whatever the problem you will be ok. The sooner you go to your gp the better. Fibromyalgia and arthritis if diagnosed at the onset of your illness are both very treatable and manageable illnesses or you may find you are suffering from a virus that may soon have run its course.
Thank you everyone who has commented so far xxxxx
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