Anyone Else Bothered By Bright Lighting?
Does anyone else have trouble with bright lighting? I had no idea it was related to fibromyalgia until I did some reading. I have been using smaller lamps and less overhead lighting because it feels so harsh.
I suffer really badly with lighting and the sun even tho the vitamin D is good for us I have to wear sunglasses all the time or I get very ill.
Snap GenevaGrindleirvin eyes hurt with bright light and noise sensitive.
Yes hurts my eyes, cannot stand loud noises.
Yes! Especially flourescent and bright lights in the pool where I do physical therapy and bright sun when driving!
Not only does it bother me, I get migraines that seem to come from my eyes and I live in sunglasses and dark quiet rooms. A small child screaming does me in too!
Yes! Fluorescent is the worse! I literally had to where sunglasses to the office several times. Would come home with headache every day. Just one more fibro curse.
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