Does anybody get muscle knots? I know tissue and muscle pain is very real. I get these giant huge knots that need to be worked out. Some days it feels like my whole body is one after another! Is that a part of fibro, thoughts my friends?
Has anyone told you about fibromyoxia? Read up on it. It's very painful knots in the muscles caused by fibromyalgia. I have it in various spots. Neck, feet, shoulders, arms ect.
My whole body feels like it's filled with knots when I first get up every morning but after an hour or two, it's only usually my arms and shoulders, lower back, legs and hands. Lol. I guess that's pretty much my whole body again but I tell myself I feel better and I can do it!! Usually if it's grocery shopping, I have to come home after one store and it's very upsetting and frustrating! You'd think I could mentally handle it after twelve years but it still really bothers me!!!
Thank u. I bought a massager that rotates and does the shatizu. It's been really been painful but therapeutic 2 use all day! It has the jade StOnes as well, spoust to be healing.
I get muscle knots all the time . I have manual therapy once a week. SHE suggested that I get a tennis ball and use that to help work out the knots. I get them under my shoulder blades and along my spine and my hips. FOR my back I lay on the floor with the tennis ball under me. IT hurts like hell, but it really works. It's a cheap try, just need to buy a ball :) good luck, I hope you get some relief! Sending Gentle hugs :)
Yeah by more so when I'm not drinking enough water
Knots On Heels
Does Anyone Have Knots In The Back Of The Head?
Castor Oil And Muscles Knots???? Help!