Do You Know Anyone Who Has Fibromyalgia As Their Only Health Problem?
I have not met one person in my life or on line that does not have fibro along with chronic fatigue and many other diseases & am curious if you have?
Same here my's hard aye...I'm blessed to wake each morning but lay there for a bit ..the worst is the morning getting out of bed after a long restless night of aches and pain...once I get moving it's a little but you...depression is part of it's tough when you want to be normal with no moans and groans when you do just about everything. ...hope you have a better day and nice to meet everyone on's don't feel so alone with this fibro...
Hi Cindy. ..I certainly don't know a lot about my and everyone's fibro..but a thought.....being diagnosed with fibro I also was diagnosed with mctd...which is mixed connective tissue disease...I'm wondering if that is what causes causes the cells to attack good tissue thinking it's bad..and maybe that's why we have's not life threatening but it sure makes sense to why are joints and body feel so sore all the time....just a thought....
My list is long as well. Fibro is affecting a lot of areas in my body. This is why I love this site, I know I am not alone!
No. no one!! Unfortunately there are many other secondary diagnoses that come along FM !! I for one have IC (short for a very long diagnosis with my bladder)!! And of course IBS. And the list goes on. And on. And on!!!
I have osteo arthritis along with the fibro. I also have depression/anxiety.
How Many Of You Knew Someone With Fibromyalgia Before You Werediagnosed?
Would Someone Please Explain This, Is Fibro Autoimmune Or Not?
I Have Many Illnesses But People Still Blame Me. What Do I Do Now?