Hi All
I have been to the doctors today and he has told me I am not medically fit to drive he has advised I get in touch with the DVLA has anyone else had this upset.
Love Pen xx
I have never heard of anyone being told not to drive because of fibro. Doesn't sound right to me.
@A MyFibroTeam Member and @A MyFibroTeam Member
I noticed the original poster is from the UK. I don't think that DVLA applies to us in the United States
Maybe I'm dumb or just have lots of fibrofog but I for the life of me can't figure out what DVLA stands for. Can anyone enlighten me?
Thanks @A MyFibroTeam Member. That takes a load off cause I had several conditions on that list!!
Daith Peircing Help With Fibromyalgia
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