Anyone Know If Frequent Urination Goes Along With Fibro?
It seems like I'm constantly running to the bathroom. I'm not sure if I'm not completely emptying my bladder or what is going on.
It seems like I'm always going. 3 to 5 times at night.
I would like to add that sometimes the medication causes that. I just experienced that. I was on 60 mg of Cymbalta and was waking up every night to pee. I was always thirsty and peed ed all the time. Just food for thought.
I have no idea, but gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now. Half the time I get up and almost don't make it to the bathroom
Mines in the nite aswell every time you sit back on the bed I need to go again doesn't matter how little you drink either x
Yup, unless I am completely exhausted!
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