Hypersomnia (sleeping Too Much)
I have to sleep at least 12 hours every 24 or I cannot function the next day. Which is very difficult because the pain causes me to not sleep at all. Also I am sleeping more and more. Many times 21 to 24 hours at once. And once for 30 hours straight! Has anyone else had this problem?
I sleep on and off all day, most days...I hate it, don't know what to do about it. The fatigue and pain = no life.
When I first got the exhaustion real bad I had 3 days in bed, dragging myself to bathroom n back to bed. Hardly ate even. Went to drs n ended up in tears when I couldn't shake being tired. This did get her asking if it was depression n scrambling to get blood tests done. This may sound mean to drs but they seem scared when u cry but they take u seriously
On my gosh I thought I was the only one. I have to also sleep for 12 hour to feel even remotely human. Most times though I get less then that due to not being able to sleep even if I am exhausted. And when I do sleep i also sleep up to 20-24 hours.
When I first got sick I was sleeping like this. Are u on any meds that cause tiredness? Cymbalta is the worse. I sleep about 10 hours on a week night. I'm still up sometimes but the meds from the doctor helps a lot. N on the weekend I'll sleep 14 hours. I can't stay up late.
I recommend trying to speak with ur doctor about not sleeping n trying to stick to going to sleep at the same time n getting up at the same time. Make ur room ur cozy haven. Light calming colors. Relaxing smells if u like them. Somewhere u can go n go chill.
Yep all the time so tired an so exhausted here lately
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