How Many Of You Are Very Sensitive To Drugs?
When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia the Rheumatologist told me that being very sensitive to medications was very common with fibro With a lot of drugs I need way way less than what is considered normal. I thought it was because of my parents being anti-doctor and drugs. They never trusted doctors so I rarely saw doctors as a child expect for my allergies. I wasn't given medicines as a child and my parents had me take handfuls of vitamins and supplements daily. That doesn't seem to be the⦠read more
I am the opposite. I require higher doses of most everything.
Hello, I,m very sensitive to drugs,cannot take any anti inflamitive medication,also certain foods I,m sensitive too.It's been a rollercoaster trying to get on the correct medication which helps,weaning on pills,weaning off pills because of all the side affects,having to take things very slowly to see how I react to them I,m now takeing pregabalin which at the moment seems to be the only drug that I feel has helped but I have been increasing it very very slowly,I've done it my way,listening to my body and hopefully this is the meds for me.Morning's are still not good,and this cold weather really doesn,t help but I,m staying positive.But yes I definitely think people with this condition are more sensitive to a lot of things !!!!x
My doctor knows to give me 1/4 of recommended dose. Sometimes I have to do 1/2 of this. I take so little and have severe side effects. Once I was on a recommended dose and felt like I could not wake up the next day. So now I am super careful.
I am incredibly sensitive to medication as well. I had a bad reaction to the lyrica and gabapentin. With the help of a functional doc, I switched to more natural remedies. GABA is the natural form or gabapentin and it has been much more tolerable for me. I couldn't take the antidepressants either. I am much like your parents though and don't really trust western medicine.
No, I cannot take any antidepressants, they wig me out, actually make me feel depressed.
I Have Fibro And Wondered If Other People Are Very Sensitive To Changes In Temperature And Sometimes You Are Really Hot And Then Cold?
How Can I Get A Pain Doctor Who Will Treat Symptoms Of Fibro