Does Anybody Else Have Muscles That Jump Or Twitch???????
I have had an increase in my muscles jumping or twitching. I'm not quite sure which. I have wrapped some more presents tonight and have noticed an increase in this. I can be writing, cutting, typing or even clocking in on the time clock at work and muscles in my hand, arms or something do this. It is making me crazy. My co-worker has noticed it and sometimes when I'm typing my arm jumps and bumps her arm. I want to say it's from my carpal tunnel surgery but, I have only had CT surgery on my left… read more
The more stories I read from everyone, the more I wonder if Fibromyalgia is one of many Autoimmune Diseases. It seems to be triggered by a virus, trauma: physical or emotional. It seems like people with Fibro also have other Autoimmune diseases as well? Maybe if they could cure Autoimmune disease, it might cure a number of diseases?
Yes and cramps drink seltzer water about 4 oz every night before bed my doctor advice and it works
Yes I do. Potassium is very important. But September 23rd I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. On top of that I have fibro, poly neuropathy, carpal tunnel both arms, small vessel disease and degenerative disc and joints. Just be totally honest with your doctor and don't give up until they do something to find out the cause. Gentle hugs and Prayers. Your Friend Angela Chapman
I have this for years. I found out it was RLS (restless leg syndrome), which a lot of fibro patients have. I take clonzapem for it. But my arms or legs will still jump or shake. Just because I am 65 does not mean I am getting old but getting better. LOL My recommendation is to keep warm because we all know that fibro does not like the cold!!!!! Stay active this helps some. Like always just take one day at a time.
I think, @A MyFibroTeam Member it is probably Fibromyalgia related, since even though a bunch of folks here have said they think it's the Gabapentin. Since you are on Cymbalta, not Gabapentin, it would seem to verify that. I have the same irritating "twitches" and can't trust my fingers to work right when typing or writing. I have bigger muscle jumps too, and when the doctors had diagnosed me years ago with "probable M.S." (they never got past it because I don't have MS, I have Fibromyalgia) I was having those muscle spasms or twitches. I was also having a weird "electric" like shocks going through me. I think it is due to the same thing Fibro Fog is due to: whatever it is in Fibromyalgia that interferes with proper brain processing.... Hope that helps!
Also a P.S. of a sort: I know I've heard that Cymbalta is very similar in some ways to Gabapentin. I remember people saying it was "a better drug than Gabapentin for those with Fibromyalgia". If it is in the same drug family, then it *might* be the medicine side effects. I'd have to do research on that.
You are definitely not alone!
Anyone Get The Shakes/twitching? My Right Hand Has A Twitch And It Drives Me Crazy, Me Texting At Time It Will Start And I Have To Stop
Is Anyone Else Here Struggling Due To Covid 19 Not Being Able To Have Holistic Treatments And Physio?
Muscle/body Twitches