Emotional Of Physical Trauma
How many of you have had emotional or physical trauma anytime in your past and before you were diagnosed with fibromyalgia ?
Had both
Tramatic birth (almost didn't make it). Had a spinal cord injury from a Olympic diving accident. Was raped. Been in two abusive relationshiprelationships physical emotional and mental. Then a hysterectomy. High stress taking care of my mom for a decade until her unexpected death that was getting to the point I couldn't cope fully anymore. Plus loss of employment and inability to afford my life saving insulin resulting in maxing out my cc trying to have it until could get on social assistance.
I did.. I had a rocky childhood...Lost both of my parents and sister...Witnessed a violent crime resulting in a guy dying and was involved in a car accident. The accident it seems was the final straw and it's when I first started to feel the symptoms of fibro. From what I've been told it's quite common to have trauma trigger an illness like fibro
@A MyFibroTeam Member I agree that emotional abuse really did me in as well.
I was always the sensitive, shy and very compassionate kid (which holds true in my adulthood). My mother was always overbearing and hard on me growing up and even today! As a result I developed low self esteem and am a perfectionist to the core. My co-dependent behavior was perfect for my career as a nurse. My late husband had many health issues . Colon cancer at age 37 and bipolar disorder throughout our marriage that eventually took his life. It was a heavy burden to bare year after year and day after day wondering if your husband was going to hurt himself. I walked on eggshells for years and I could literally feel my nervous system shutting down. His suicide 3 years ago at age 40 took a toll on my body and I KNOW for a fact this is why I am here. @A MyFibroTeam Member is right, it didn't just happen. It took years and possibly half of a lifetime for fibromyalgia to rear its ugly head!!
Now it's time to heal. I hope that everyone on this forum gains the insight to do so
I was actually diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few months after my father passed away. That was a major trauma for me and I still am having a lot of difficulty dealing with it. It has compounded with the passing of my mother and two of the dearest friends I had, all this within less than two years. My fibro pain increased more with each passing. Add to that emergency gallbladder surgery and now a broken ankle. Yes stress and drama definitely makes fibromyalgia worse.
Oh I forgot to mention that I think my anxiety and possible fibro are related, it didn't show up until my anxiety and depression got really bad constantly
Is Fibromyalgia Connected To Childhood Trauma??
Did You Have A Trauma Prior To Fibromyalgia? No Need To Post Details Of Your Trauma If Your Not Comfortable Doing So, Thank You For Sharing.
Hypertension And Onset Of Fibro