Has Anyone Heard Of Or Used Cbd Oil From Hemp
I came across CBD oil from hemp..I've heard good things about it..some things I've heard is helps with pain and anxiety..that's just couple.had anyone else tried or heard of it
Cbd oil etc can be bought from amazon etc is legal as it's hemp all the plus qualities with non of the nasties xx
Www.earthsciencetech.com. (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators). I'm in NC and winters are tourcher .this is helping greatly.. I'm at three drops in morning two at night and its really helping.. I suggest starting off at 100 mg there's stronger. But you want introduce it to ur body slowly..and really why take a stronger amount if your not needing it..so adjust it slowly as needed..I did a drop and few min later another drop till i had three drops n me.so far three in morning and two at night is great..
I did some checking and learned that the CBD from hemp is not the same as the CBD from marijuana (cannibis). You must have a medical marijuana card or live in a state where it is legal to obtain it. I haven't tried the hemp but the cannibis CBD really helps me. There is also a cream made from it that is wonderful when rubbed onto sore or burning locations.
I've tried the vaping oil and it helps me get to sleep
I live in NC so I understand the feeling with the cold.. But I still love it here..I take the oil by mouth because it's homeopathic.. And gets straight into you system faster.. The cream is topical and the pills take longer.. I also get organic ..I had a head ache and my back was killing me..I had been like that for a week.. Nauseated as well I'm thinking from the pain.. Not sure really..I didn't think I'd feel the effects from the pills for days.. But after my second drop which I took about fifteen minutes apart I felt a light tingle in my head.. Made me little nervous I might say.. But after a few seconds the tingle went away so did the head ache and back ache..I was really surprised
Medical Marijuana
Cbd Hemp Oil Taken Orally Or In A Vapour
Using CBD Oils And Other Cannabis Products For Relief