How Do You Deal With Fibro And Pregnancy?
Talking to my spouse about getting pregnant, and I am wondering what experiences you ladies/men had with pregnancy and fibro? How is the pain? Is it harder to get pregnant? Please give me all of your advice.
I'm not sure if it is still true but years ago. People who got pregnant could go into remission
All I can offer is what one friend shared with me. She said pregnancy actually helped her fibro. I don't know how, but even after having the baby she is doing well. The only connection to fibro and pregnancy that I know of, is some women have endometriosis. I did, and couldn't have children. 10 years after my hysterectomy I was diagnosed with Fibro. Dr's don't know if they are actually connected.
I'm afraid I did not have a great experience either, however like BKassy said, everyone's experience is different.
It took me 7 months to get pregnant, and the first four months I lost so much weight from vomiting I had to take mess to make me stop vomiting. Then I gained a bunch of weight and I had him a month early. Not a great experience but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, love him so much ❤.
Probably not that helpful an answer. It my opinion is if you have a good support system and good doctors and it's what you both want, go for it!!! 😀
Everyone is different, but I was talking to some people, reading books and read that pregnancy makes Fibro worse. No, intention of placing fear in the response. As for getting pregnant, basic concept applies, whether you have Fibro or not. I have some friends who don't have Fibro and can't seem to get pregnant. Blessings to you whatever your plans.
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